If you've been to one of my lessons, you would have heard me mention the term 'staying in the phone box'. This simply means when performing your backswing, imagine a wall on either side of your feet roughly three inches away. The goal then is to try and stay within the phone box by trying to rotate the body within the one spot. When reaching the top of the swing, the head should have stayed roughly in the same position whilst the left shoulder has moved under the chin.
Now when it comes to the downswing, you do want to have the feeling of breaking through the phone box. This means that you're moving through the wall that's outside your left foot by around three inches so that all weight will eventually be positioned on your left foot. One of the Tour Pros who accomplishes this is Bryson Dechambeau. You will see that on the backswing, he turns his body whilst staying on top of the ball and then on the downswing moves all of his weight onto his left foot.
Now if you're someone who doesn't stay in the phone box, the first drill I always recommend is placing your feet together. You want to position the weight inside your right foot whilst you turn. Having the feet together will start to prevent any movement off the ball. Once you start turning whilst your head remains stable, you can then begin to widen your stance as before.
In terms of the downswing, you want to feel as though the left hip is initiating. Feel as though the left hip is breaking through the wall followed by the remainder of the body transferring through and rotating. Once you combine the stability of the backswing along with transferring correctly on the downswing, the consistency of strike will dramatically improve.
If you'd like any further help in developing the correct sequence in the swing, just contact myself at David Waters Golf.
