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Writer's picturedaviwaters

The Three Different Types of Grips

There are three different types of grips that the majority of golfers adopt. These being the Interlock Grip, Overlap Grip and the Ten Finger Grip. Having a correct grip is vital in avoiding bad habits that could arise. Each grip has it's own benefits and is often used depending on that person's experience in golf. For example when golfers first start the game we often recommend the ten finger grip as it gives the golfer the most control over the club.

No matter what grip you are using there is a certain position where you would like the left hand and right hand on the club. If you are a right hander, the left hand would be on top of the grip with the right hand below (This would be the opposite for a left hander). You should firstly place the club on the line just below your pinkie and then angle it across to the middle of your index finger. The idea is to have the club partly in the palm and partly in the fingers. You should then wrap the hand on top and ensure the 'V' that is created between your index finger and thumb is pointed at the right shoulder. You should also ensure that you squeeze between your thumb and index finger so there is no gap between these two fingers.

The right hand is a little different in that the grip is all in the fingers. The club should lie in the middle of the fingers of the right hand. When connecting the hands, ensure the groove that is below the right thumb slides on top of the left thumb. You want to try and have the right thumb as high as possible. In terms of the overlap grip, just ensure the pinkie of the right hand sits on top of the left index finger. The interlock is where the pinkie sits underneath the index finger and the ten finger is where no fingers overlap or interlock. Again with the right hand we want to make sure that the 'V' created by the index finger and thumb is pointed at the right shoulder with no gap in between the fingers.

As mentioned we will often recommend the ten finger grip when the person picks up the club for the first time. Once however that person starts to practice, we will then move them into an overlap or interlock. This is because these kinds of grips have major benefits in the long run. For example when having an overlap or interlock, your impact will tend to be substantially better as the hands will tend to stay more connected. The ten finger although feeling strong, will tend to compromise impact as the hands start to get too 'flippy' causing inconsistent contact.

When someone slices the ball or hooks the ball, the first element we always check is the grip. The person who slices the ball tend to have their 'V's pointed more toward the left shoulder and those who hook the ball tend to have their 'V's pointed too far to the right. Having the 'V's pointed at the right shoulder is a neutral position and well help the clubface rotate correctly through the swing.

Lastly when deciding on whether you would like an overlap or an interlock, the biggest difference is tension. The overlap is quite a soft grip while the interlock adds tension. Usually larger hands favour the overlap with smaller hands the interlock. Also just remember when thinking about how tight to hold the club, just try and hold the club to around a 3 out of 10. (10 being the tightest you can hold it).

If you'd like to find out more about the grip or discover which one is suitable for you just send me a message.

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