'Slicing' is the biggest issue for most golfers. Put simply a typical 'slice' is when the ball starts at the target and then moves to the right or starts left and turns. Most commonly the ball travels higher as there is increased backspin as well distance starts to shorten. The biggest cause as mentioned in previous posts is an incorrect set-up. More specifically when alignment is aimed too far to the left and the grip is weak.
The swing path that correlates to someone slicing is one that moves from 'outside-in'. This means that when the clubhead approaches impact, it comes from outside the ball and then moves sharply left. This action of moving across the ball with an 'open' face invariably causes a slice. The more outside-in the path, the more the ball will tend to 'slice'. To fix this motion, as you might think, will involve swinging the clubhead toward the ball in a new direction. This would mean having the clubhead approaching the ball from the inside and then moving out more to the right.
Now to really help you create this sensation, place a pool noodle on the farther side of the ball which angles from in-out. Have the pool noodle positioned half a handspan from the ball. The goal then is to make sure that through impact that the club head doesn't collide with the noodle. Ensure the direction of the path follows the line of the noodle. If however you do start coming back 'over the top' you will then contact the pool noodle.
It is important when doing this drill to aim yourself at a target by placing an alignment stick on the ground as well ensure you have a neutral grip. During the takeaway just make sure that when the club reaches parallel to the ground, that the clubhead and hands form a straight line. You should also combine a little body turn as well. On the downswing just ensure you start to move onto the front foot whilst you swing toward an in-out path. You will know when this drill is working when the balls either fly straighter or even have slight draws.
If you'd like any further help in overcoming your slice just contact myself at David Waters Golf.
